Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Life of Pi - Chapters 16 - 23

           Faith is the one thing that Pi truly believes in; he loves his faith and always turns to it in times of need. The philosophy of faith is very important to Pi.  Pi states that he was born into Hinduism, becoming involved in its rites and rituals as an infant. I think even from the very beginning of his life, his family made faith an important aspect of his life. Pi just decided to continue to expand on his religions because all three were so different yet he found that listening to each story gave him more faith. He not only was intrigued with Christianity but Islam as well. I think faith is so important to Pi because he has heard the stories of many god’s in which he strongly believes in. If I were to be told these stories derived from each religion from someone who knows a lot about one and strongly believes in it, I think I would believe in faith as strong as Pi as well. Although I am not really religious at all, I think the stories of these people would inspire me in a way and would therefore give me something to believe in- faith. I believe that religion is dying in our society. If you compare how many people strongly believed in god in the past to people now, there is a great difference. I don’t think it is the fact that people don’t believe in god but rather they don’t care to use the time they have in praying or going to church and strongly getting into it, like Pi. An example is my Nana. She is almost 70 years old and when she was young, they went to church every Sunday, everyone did, and it wasn’t even a question that you weren’t going. They all had their nice Sunday cloths for church that they were only allowed to wear for that specific day. Religion was part of their life. As she grew older and had her own kids, going to church slowly died off. I think this was due to the change in society. Religion is no longer a major part of everyone’s life; some people don’t even know what kind of religion ‘they are’ but know that they believe in god. Yes, religion is if you believe in god but not many people at all (that I’ve ever seen) truly practise their religion as much as Pi did or even as little as my Nana did. Religion is really dying and is more so lost than forgotten. If religion were to be forgotten than that would be like saying god is forgotten but that is not the case; god is still someone many people believe in, they just don’t have as strong of an interest in their religion as people did before.

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